...we didn't do it...

The owners of Geez, Louise! Coffee House are in no way responsible
for Louise's constitutional right to free speech...

Also, children should be busy playing not reading this stuff.

...Life Imitates Fashion...

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The Best Coffee House in Denver!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Save some money, ladies....

So I got my hair cut last night.

At Clip N Save near the mall...

Why would you pay $85.00 to some freak in a salon who has a hairstyle on herself that you wouldn't put on your dog?

This one cost me $11.00... so I had seventy four bucks left for shoes at Target! Now that makes more sense, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

$74 on shoes! Now that's crazier than an $85 hair cut! But geez i do love that Clip N Save... umm umm umm! You should try Curl Up and Dye, love those ladies. Why haven't you got extentions? Isn't there a place near you to do that? Your hair looks awsome, but extentions would be fun as well.

Hows the Election?

Anonymous said...

Geez Louise, what were you thinking?
Why didn't you go to DSW, if you were going to pay that much!! And Tar-jay, no less!
-- I do like your nails, though. Did you do them yourself?
If not, where did you get them done?